Inspired by real events that took place in 1989, Target Number One follows three interconnected stories: an ex heroin junkie who gets trapped by a criminal organization to set up a drug deal in Thailand; an undercover cop who’s humiliated and decides to take a short cut to enhance the performance of his team; and an investigative reporter who’s forced to re-evaluate his core convictions and maverick methods after the birth of his first child.
Cast: Antoine Olivier Pilon, Josh Hartnett, Stephen McHattie, Don McKellar, J.C. Mackenzie, Amanda Crew, Jim Gaffigan, Rose-Marie Perreault
Director: Daniel Roby
Screenwriter: Daniel Roby
Producers: André Rouleau, Valérie d’Auteuil
Le Gala Québec Cinéma (2021) – Nominated : Prix IRIS for Best Editing (Yvann Thibaudeau)
Director’s Guild of Canada (2020) – Nominated : Outstanding Directional Achievement (Daniel Roby)
Canadian Cinema Editors Awards (2020) – Nominated : Best Editing in Feature Film (Yvann Thibaudeau)
Beverly Hills Film Festival (2020) – USA
Les Films Séville
455 Rue Saint-Antoine O.
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1J1
Saban Films
10100 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 2525
Los Angeles, CA, 90067
World (Outside Canada and USA)
Universal Pictures International
Central St Giles, St Giles Street
London, WC2H 8NU
+(44) 203-618-8000